So, welcome to the best possible starting point for that explanation: Why the Left 4 Dead games were so damn special. The newer generation will never understand why B4B is worth paying attention to without a proper explanation. Zombies have been played out for years even the Call of Duty games have them every other year. Someone who's never even heard of Left 4 Dead definitely saw that B4B trailer, rolled their eyes, and condescendingly thought to themselves, 'Wow, another zombie game? How original.' And you know what? They aren't even wrong. The landscape of video games and the people who consume them have changed considerably. There's an open beta starting very soon ( with full crossplay between every platform!), prompting several people to reminisce about all the great times they had back in the day with blasting zombie brains, running from Tanks, and of course, spamming the 'Look' command at bottles of pills. If you consider yourself a Left 4 Dead fan, chances are that Back 4 Blood has caught your attention.